Known Issues & Limitations
Known Issues & Limitations
Slowness is observed while displaying the “Statuses” option in the right dragger of the model viewer screen.
Projects list sync progress may be slower, in case of a long list of projects
Edit hint text is not displayed for Vertical clip-plane
Image attachment from the camera/Gallery is getting rotated 90 degrees after sync.
GlobalIds that are received from assimilation does not match between TCM/TCW/TCD. Due to this links created will not be visible across clients for non-Ifc formats.
UI in tablets is shown in compatible mode.
Revit file assimilation will have issues
Layer list may be inconsistent for views shared across Connect clients..
Files for which processing is not completed will be shown with empty thumbnails.
Quick Access project sync may be sometimes slow when we get back to Project screen
Opening Todos have performance issues occasionally.
During the first time launch, when we change region, a manual pull to refresh will be needed for list of Projects to display
3D Viewer
Hide / unhide models (when multiple models are loaded) may show inconsistent behavior occasionally. Unhiding all models again is a workaround.
Multiselect object views are not displayed as a selected state for specific devices(iPad)
Model alignment values set from other clients are not properly reflected in TCM.
Size of the measurement values might be bigger for tablets.
For Models with large coordinates , you might need to zoom in closer to the section for selection.
View parity issues exist across Connect clients. These are observed for markups, color, transparency, selection states, orthographic projection and global transparency.
Models with more than 2500 object links tend to make the model render slower.
Views created using multiple models with show/hide model have issues.. There may be inconsistency when seen in other clients.
Views are not deleted from the server even after the associated ToDo is deleted. But users will be able to delete views after detaching from ToDo.
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