3D Markups
Use markups to highlight objects and parts in the 3D View. You can also add text to comment on the model. Markups will be saved with Views.
There are 5 types of markups available for the 3D Viewer:
Cloud markups draw a cloud in the model.
Text markups allow you to type text in the model.
Arrow markups draw an arrow between two points that you pick.
Line markups draw a line between two points that you pick.
Draw (freehand) markups are markups that you can draw by hand.
Cloud Markups
Cloud annotations are used to draw on models to add information to a View.
Cloud annotations can be edited after creation.
Cloud annotations can also be moved by drag and dropping it.
Create a Cloud Markup
Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile.
Tap the Add (✚) button in the toolbar.
Tap the Cloud Markup button.
To add the markup
In the new 3D Viewer: Tap the location of the model where you want to place the markup.
In the legacy 3D Viewer: tap and drag to size the cloud directly after placement.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Edit a Cloud Markup
Tap the Cloud Markup.
The markup will become active.
You can change the color, size, position and placement.
Make the needed changes.
Tap somewhere else in the document to deselect the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Text Markups
Text Annotations are used to write on models to add information to a View.
The text can be edited after creation.
The placement of the text box can be moved after creation.
Text annotation font size, color, border and fill can be changed after creation.
Create a Text Markup
Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile.
Tap the Add (✚) button in the toolbar.
Tap the Text Markup button.
Tap a start point.
Type in your comment.
Tap the text box to move or reposition the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Edit a Text Markup
Tap the Text Markup.
The markup will become active.
You can change the text, color, size, position and placement.
Make the needed changes.
Tap somewhere else in the document to deselect the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Arrow Markups
Arrow annotations are used to draw pointers to add information to a View.
The placement of the arrow annotation can be edited after creation.
Arrow annotation color can be changed after creation.
The first point defines where the arrow is going to point to.
Create an Arrow Markup
Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile.
Tap the Add (✚) button in the toolbar.
Tap the Arrow Markup button.
Tap a start point.
Tap a second point.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Edit an Arrow Markup
Tap the Arrow Markup.
The markup will become active.
You can change the color, length, position and placement.
Make the needed changes.
Tap somewhere else in the document to deselect the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Line Markups
Line annotations are used to draw marks to add information to a View.
The placement of the line annotation can be edited after creation.
Line annotation color can be changed after creation.
Create a Line Markup
Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile.
Tap the Add (✚) button in the toolbar.
Tap the Text Markup button.
Tap a start point.
Tap a second point.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Edit a Line Markup
Tap the Line Markup.
The markup will become active.
You can change the color, length, position and placement.
Make the needed changes.
Tap somewhere else in the document to deselect the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Draw a Freehand Markup
Drawn annotations are used to draw freely to add information to a View.
The placement of the annotation can be edited after creation.
Drawn annotation's color can be changed after creation.
Draw a Freehand Markup
Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile.
Tap the Add (✚) button in the toolbar.
Tap the Draw markup button.
Tap a point.
Draw a markup by dragging with your finger.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Edit a Freehand Markup
Tap the Markup.
The markup will become active.
You can change the color and placement.
Make the needed changes.
Tap somewhere else in the document to deselect the markup.
Create a View or ToDo to save.
Coloring Markups
Measurements and markups can be colored using one of the colors available in Trimble Connect for Mobile. To create a markup with another color, simply choose the wanted color, and then create the markup.
You can also change the color of an already existing markup by selecting the markup and changing the color. Colors are saved in Views.
Remove Markups
Remove a Single Markup
Select a markup in the model.
A toolbar opens at the bottom
Tap the Delete button on the toolbar.
The selected markup is deleted.
Remove All Markups
Select a markup in the model.
A toolbar opens at the bottom.
Tap the Delete All Markups button.
A confirmation message opens.
Tap Yes.
All markups will be deleted in the model.
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