Editing & Deleting ToDos

Editing ToDos

Unless you are a Project Admin, you can only edit ToDos that you have created or that have been assigned to you.

The editable fields are the Title, Description, Due date, Type, Priority, Status, Completion (Percentage), Assignee and Tags.

To edit a ToDo

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. To view the ToDo details, tap the ToDo list item .

  4. Tap on any field to edit.

  5. To comment on a ToDo tap the Add comment button.

  6. As you make changes the ToDo will save automatically.

Deleting ToDos

Unless you are a Project Admin, you can only delete ToDos that you have created.

To delete a ToDo

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Click on the ToDo listing to open the ToDo.

  3. Click on the Delete button located in the top left of the page.

  4. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  5. Click Yes.

  6. The ToDo will be deleted.


The ToDo will be permanently deleted (this cannot be undone).

Next Topic: ToDo Attachments