Model Properties

View Model Properties

To view model properties

  1. Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile's 3D Viewer.

  2. Select the objects whose properties you want to view.

  3. The Object info opens at the bottom.

  4. To open the Object info, tap the Object info title.

  5. To view specific properties of an object, tap the name of the object in the Object info.

6. The Properties page will opens.

7. Custom PropertySet values are also displayed in Connect for Mobile 3D Viewer.

Favorite Model Properties

To favorite model properties

  1. Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile's 3D Viewer.

  2. Select the objects whose properties you want to view.

  3. Navigate to the Properties Page.

  4. Tap the star next to properties you want to favorite.

  5. The state will change to Favorited.

6. Then tap the Star in the Application header to filter the properties to only show the favorites


Favorite properties are not shared between the Browser or Windows Applications.

Summing Model Properties

Use the Sum feature to calculate properties that you have favorited.

To sum model properties

  1. Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile's 3D Viewer.

  2. Select the objects whose properties you want to view.

  3. Navigate to the Properties Page.

  4. Tap the star next to properties you want to summed.

  5. Exit the Properties Page by tapping the Back button.

  6. Tap the Sum button (located in the Object Info overlay).

  7. The favorited properties will be summed.

NOTE : Summation of Custom PropertySet values isn't currently possible in the Mobile app 3D viewer.

Search Properties in the Model

You can show objects or assemblies loaded in the 3D Viewer by searching by property name or value.

To search for properties or property values

  1. Open a model in Trimble Connect for Mobile's New 3D Viewer.

  2. Tap the Menu button.

  3. Select Search in Model.

  4. Search by property name or by property value. Examples shown below.

      • Property Name: COLUMN,

      • Property Value: ifcColumn.

  5. Tap Return on the keyboard.

  6. Only the filtered parts of the model are displayed.

Click the Reset Model View button to make all objects visible again.

Known Search Limitations

  • If search is done with one or more models hidden, the search results will include even hidden model elements. We will address this in next release.

  • Search based on Layer name (when layer name is not part of the file object properties) will not work. It will be handled in future releases.

  • After getting the search results, if any object is selected, the object info panel may not open. De-selecting and selecting model elements again will bring it up. We will address this in next release.

Next Topic: Object Attachments