ToDo Attachments

Attachment Types

ToDos support 4 attachment types, and depending on the type of attachment and your permissions, different functions will be available for each.

Project Files

Attached project files always point to the latest version of the file stored in the Connect Project.
Supported actions (in Trimble Connect for Mobile): View, Remove

Uploaded Files (Photos)

Uploaded files are not visibility stored in the Connect Project.
They do however support versions if you upload the same file.

Supported actions (in Trimble Connect for Mobile): View, Remove


Both 2D & 3D Views are supported as attachments.
Supported actions (in Trimble Connect for Mobile): View, Remove


Individual clash items can be added to a ToDo in the 3D Viewer.
Supported actions (in Trimble Connect for Mobile): None.

Clashes added as attachments are not visible or listed.

Add Attachments

Unless you are a Project Admin, you can only add attachments to ToDos that you have created or that have been assigned to you.

To add an attachment

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Open the ToDo that you want to add an attachment to.

  4. Tap the Add Attachment button.

  5. Select the attachment type:

      1. View

      2. Document

      3. Photo from your gallery

      4. Take a photo

  6. Tap Save (✔) - located in the top right corner of the application.

Add a View to a ToDo

To provide more information in ToDos, you can add saved views to ToDos.

To add a View to a ToDo

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the Views page.

  3. Select the view that you want to add.

  4. Tap the Add to ToDo button.

  5. The Attach to ToDos message opens.

  6. Select whether to create a New ToDo or add the view to an Existing ToDo.

View Attachments

The assignee's ability to open attached project files or views is going to be dependent on the user’s access to the folder where the file is stored in Connect.

For example, if the assignee or a project member has no access to the folder where the attached files are stored in the project, then that user will not be able to open the attachments.

To view an attachment

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Open a ToDo

  4. Under the Attachments Section, click on the attachment you want to view.

You can view any 2D or 3D file listed on our Supported File Formats using Trimble Connect for Mobile.

Remove Attachments

Unless you are a Project Admin, you can only remove attachments from ToDos that you have created or that have been assigned to you.

To remove an attachment

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the ToDo page.

  3. Open a ToDo.

  4. Under the Attachments Section, click on the X next to the attachment you want to remove.

  5. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  6. Click Yes.

Next Topic: Searching ToDos