Managing Project Members

Modify Roles

A project administrator can change user roles and remove users from a project.

Other user management functions are available in Trimble Connect for Browser

To change a user's role

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the Team page.

  3. Select the user whose data you want to modify.

  4. Tap the Role field to change the role.

  5. The change will be saved automatically.

Removing Users

Only Project Admins can remove other users from a project - but a user can remove themself from a project.

To remove a user

  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect for Mobile.

  2. Go to the Team page.

  3. Select the user who you want to remove.

  4. Tap Remove user from project.

  5. An alert message will ask you to confirm your choice.


Once a user has been removed from a project - they will be listed in the team page as Removed. This is only visible to Project Admins.

Next Topic: Searching Users